dupont circle snowball fight

Take a break from all the snow and blizzard story making rounds for the last days, come out if you can, and enjoy some refreshing snowball fight amidst all those record-breaking snows that have reportedly gathered outside your doorstep. That must have been the appeal for all those who braved the snow and the storm and instead of lazing about at home, came out for some real bouts of snowball fight yesterday.

There were appeals and invitations to join different snowball fight circles through facebook and tweets.

One message at facebook read-

[Dear Snowballers,

Participants in the great battle of Dupont North vs. Dupont South will convene at the northern and southern ends of Dupont Circle park at 2pm. If you so desire, come a bit early to plan your team’s strategies…

What to bring: good cheer, team spirit, snowball-making skills (and equipment?). What *not* to bring: Guns!!! (remember 14th & U St NW?) or weapons of ANY KIND – we want to keep this snowball fight CLEAN and SAFE for everyone!]………..and more.

And it seems that the appeals were not washed away in the snows. Though the number of those gathered considerably dwindled from earlier years, there were still quite a few merrymakers out at Dupont to enjoy snowball fights.